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Looking Back on Sept . 9th, 1990: A Day That Changed Everything

100 Years Ago: 1924 DON’TS FOR SWEETHEARTS For Him Don’t tell your girl you don’t like her dress; Don’t say she’s like her father if he’s plain; Don’t knock her hair down with a rough caress And say you’ll help her do it up again; Don’t keep her waiting if you’ve asked her out, For if you do excuses will not save you; Don’t lose your temper or your head and shout, And don’t, above all, lose the gifts she gave you. For Her Don’t tell your beau he’s not as tall as you; Don’t keep him standing in the cold and wet;

Don’t greet excuses with “That can’t be true” Or fix a time for lunch – and then forget; Don’t say some other man is “simply sweet”; Don’t give commands to see if he’ll obey them; Don’t run down every other girl you meet; And if you’ve got thick ankles – don’t display them. G. L. H. 50 Years Ago: 1974 Tenants of an apartment house on Ash Street in Lewiston discovered an oil spill Wednesday in their basement, caused by a rusted tank in the vacant building next door. Firefighters, city and state inspectors and a private oil cleanup business were called after the noontime discovery to 103 and 101 Ash St.

Michael O’Brien. The Fire Department responded to a call at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, and the spill was contained within an hour. The spill occurred at a commercial property located at 1200 Elm Street.

on a Tuesday morning. The break was a large, rectangular hole in the wall. The hole was approximately 10 feet wide and 15 feet long. The break was discovered by a security guard who was on patrol.

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